Holistic wellbeing in the workplace

Mamma delivers corporate wellness programmes & events with a complementary app to maintain a happy and healthy workforce.

Curated In-office wellbeing events
Holistic Health Support App
Wellbeing Programmes and Strategy

Speak to the team

Mamma is a global holistic health agency & discovery mobile app with over 150 practitioners.
Through our bespoke corporate wellbeing programmes Mamma helps companies address their corporate culture to create healthy, vibrant work environments where employee health, productivity, collaboration & happiness can thrive.

Corporate Wellness Statistics

  • The cost of turnover due to burnout is 15% – 20% of payroll budgets each year. (Gallup, 2022)
  • Reports of burnout have increased 48% in the past year. (Picked.ai)
  • Female professionals are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression by 22% and 20% respectively. (Champion Health)
  • Wellness programs have been shown to reduce absenteeism by 14-19%. (Zippia, 2022)

What we offer

Self Care
  • Soundbath
  • Meditation
  • Aromatherapy
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Massage
  • Movement
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  • Anxiety & Stress
  • EFT Tapping
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Havening Tm
  • Nutrition
  • CBT Tools
  • Communication
  • Life Coach
  • NLP
  • Storytelling
  • Managerial trainings
  • Conscious Leadership
The App
  • Daily Classes
  • Workshops & Events
  • 40+ sessions
  • 100+practitioners
  • Recorded library
  • Partner Benefits

Meet our Practitioners

  • Abi Adams

    Fitness •
    Movement •

    Abi’s Sessions: One to one Mixed Movement session: Transformational Movement Coaching 7 week women’s project, called “Project women” - 7 week online course What does a session with Abi involve? • Light movement so Abi can get a feeling and eye visual of how you are moving and what tension you are holding in the body • Discussion of your aims and intentions to really hone in on what is at the core of the issue • Kinesiology, Thai massage and movement disciplines such as yoga and martial arts • Working with the psychology of energy centres, emotional patterning and physical restrictions This is for you if you’re experiencing: • PMS and hormonal issues • Past Trauma • Emotional overwhelm • Undiagnosed physical pain • Stuckness and boredom in your life (women) A little bit about Abi: Abi had quite a violent experience growing up, which meant she became a huge people pleaser, always trying to make sure her family were ok. Abi had always dreamed of being an actress, but didn’t feel like she could pursue this dream because her family didn’t approve. After years of shrinking to fit in, Abi experienced her first Thai massage, where she realised that touch could actually help the body to feel empowered. This led her down a path of wanting to understand more about the body, so she trained as a yoga teacher in India. She soon realised that she didn’t like the rigidity of yoga so started to explore more fluid forms of movement. Using martial arts, kinesiology, Thai massage and other movement disciplines Abi created her own unique style of movement: Mixed Movement. Abi’s mission is to show women who have always been told “No”, how to find their “Yes”. 3 things about Abi: • Her power animals are the wolf, the whale and the eagle • She loves skinny dipping and feeling at one with nature • She loves climbing anything that looks climbable! Get out the way kids, Abi’s coming through!

    Fitness •
    Movement •
  • Agnes Trevillion

    Fitness •
    Yoga •

    Agnes’ Sessions: • One-on-One yoga sessions in person and online • Group Classes • Pregnancy Yoga • Power, Yin, and Hatha Yoga • Rehabilitation yoga for example, people with spinal injuries • Chair yoga for the elderly or those with disabilities What does a session with Agnes involve? You will meet at a space near Agnes or at your home. You’ll discuss specific requirements to create a class to cater to your individual needs in a fun way. This is for you if: • You’re at any stage of your pregnancy • You have disabilities • You’re a teenager A little bit about Agnes: Agnes went to her first yoga class when she was 15 and her first impression was that it was a weird, crazy experience and totally out of her comfort zone. From a young age Agnes worked in the corporate world working 80 hour weeks, which ultimately led to burnout. Somehow yoga found it’s way back into Agnes’ life and she started developing her own practice, which always brought her a sense of relief after the stressful days at work. The worse she felt at her job and the better she felt in her yoga practise, the more she wanted to give up the corporate world and dedicate her life to yoga. She was so adamant that she had to follow her dreams as a yoga teacher that she turned down a huge pay rise to stay in her corporate job. She took the leap and decided to dedicate herself to full time teaching. She now shares through her teaching and with her students the powerful message that true happiness is about dedicating our lives to something we truly believe in and to something that uses our special gifts to serve others. 3 things about Agnes: • Her friends say she’s like a ray of sunshine because she’s always smiling • Even though she’s tiny, she’s constantly hungry and loves snacking any chance she gets • She’s happiest when barefoot, sandy and sun-kissed

    Fitness •
    Yoga •
  • Alena Candova

    BodyTalk •
    Neuro Emotional Technique •

    Alena's Sessions: • Consciousness medicine, Body Psychology - Using her background as a chiropractor, Alena uses her knowledge of western anatomy and physiology and combines it with eastern medicine and psychokinesiology to holistically balance the body, mind and spirit. What does a session with Alena involve? Session’s with Alena typically take place via video call. Before you begin your first session you will be given the opportunity to provide background into your health and wellness history to allow Alena to better tailor your treatment to meet your needs. Using biofeedback she accesses your body-mind to determine what areas of your being need balancing. She then guides you through specific neurological exercises to facilitate healing and provide wisdom & empowerment on your journey. You will leave the session with a more balanced physical, emotional and mental state that facilitates healing. This is for you if: • Are seeking holistic healing of your physical, emotional and mental bodies • Want to overcome emotional challenges or self limiting beliefs that are stored in the subconsious body-mind complex and ultimately cause distress & disease • Are dealing with chronic illness A little bit about Alena: Alena became a Chiropractor after fourteen years of working as a yoga therapist. Through her practices in the Chiropractic arts she realized that our emotional experiences and beliefs powerfully affect our overall health in subtle and subconscious ways and she decided to expand her studies into body psychology and the metaphysical meaning of diseases. Combining her knowledge as a chiropractor with other holistic healing methods such as Body Talk, Neuro Emotional Technique, Applied kinesiology and her yoga experience, Alena has been able to create a unique practice to maximize the benefits that she can provide to her clients. Her mission is to bring wisdom, empowerment and healing. 3 things about Alena: • Alena is very grateful to her master teachers like Dr. John Veltheim, Dr. Victor Frank and Dr. Scott Walker who created the healing modalities she is using and continues to be astonished by their potency. • Yoga is one of her passions. • She loves spending time in nature

    BodyTalk •
    Neuro Emotional Technique •
  • Alex Willis

    Essential Oils Specialist •
    Wellbeing •

    Alex's Sessions: • 1-1 Private Essential oil sessions • Essential Oil Classes in groups of 6 - 20 • Educating in Pur-fume making • Toxic free Cleaning Products • Immune System Support • Essential Oil ingestion • Essential oil basics and uses • Essential Oil Sip and Learn What does a session with Alex involve? Alex is passionate about finding people solutions to everyday health issues with the use of Pure Essential Oils, using the 3 methodologies. If you are having a Private 1-1 session, this will be tailored to your needs. You will be asked a series of questions where Alex will look at your health history and what your concerns are. If you are choosing a specific E/O class from the list above these will include oil samples specific to the Class. This is for you if you need help with: • Digestive health • Sleep Problems • Pain Support • Emotional Imbalances • Skin Concerns • Menopause Support • Children's Wellness • Overall Family Health A little bit about Alex: Alex is from the west coast of Canada originally, only moving over here in 1992 to do a Post Graduate degree in theatre. She has now been in London for 27 years. Alex passionate about nature and loves the sea and mountains. After qualifying as an Aromatherapist she went on to complete her Essential Oil Health Specialist certificate. Alex loves the science behind the oils. Oils came to her late in life, but gratefully, when she truly needed them. For years Alex had serious stomach health issues, and finding the oils was the start to a happier gut and better overall health. Little did she know that once she had sorted one issue the oils would go on to be an everyday healthy habit and be a staple to her family. Her whole family use the oils for physical and mental health issues. Alex is very proud that she has also created a toxin free home. Alex has an office/clinic in West London where she sees private clients 3 things about Alex: • Alex loves the sea • Alex adores her dog Eric and her cat Ernie • Alex dislikes fair ground rides

    Essential Oils Specialist •
    Wellbeing •
  • Alexandra Evans

    Yoga •

    Alexandra's Sessions: • Relax, Release & Restore 1:1 Online Yoga • Rehab & Improve Strength 1:1 Online Yoga • Bodywork What does a session with Alexandra involve? Alexandra specialises is deep relaxation, and each session will be different according to how you're feeling in both your mind and your body. She has trained in so many disciplines that she can create a bespoke treatment that suits you in the here and now. One-to-one yoga classes give you the opportunity to focus and relax your mind, whilst relieving tension patterns and tightness in the body. This is good if you have specific needs, injuries, want to dive deeper or have time constraints. You can explore pranayama breathing, Yoga Nidra, and learn meditation techniques which you can practice on your own for years to come through Alexandra's sessions. A little space and a little time is all you need; no fancy mat, no fancy gear, just you. It's as easy as that. This is for you if: • You feel you are too old or too stiff to practice. • You need some stress relief. • You have specific needs or injuries. • You want to dive deeper or have time constraints. A little bit about Alexandra: During her degree in Journalism from Cardiff University, Alexandra began training in Yoga and Contemporary Dance. Shiatsu, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Swedish Massage training soon followed. As a dancer, she was always fascinated by movement, both internal and external. This fascination, alongside a discovery that alternative medicine helped ease her asthma led to a life long quest that was initially inspired by her aunt. Alexandra's aunt is a doctor and an acupuncturist in Cornwall, and so Alexandra helped set up the Bristol Cancer Centre and was an early advocate of putting natural birth back on the map. In her time off from university, she would drive down through the west county to the wilds of Lands End and spend hours transfixed by her aunts conversation and books. She thinks perhaps it’s those days spent pouring over the pages on philosophy, medicine, healing and the esoteric that still inspire her work and study to this day. She’s trained in a wide variety of methods and many of her clients have kindly described her as inspiring and intuitive. 3 things about Alexandra: • She enjoys swimming in crystal clear water with mountains in one direction and the never ending horizon in the other. • She loves literature- Iris Murdoch is her all time favourite, but her latest discovery is Chinamanda Adichie, who wrote Americana and Half of the Yellow Sun. • She loves a roaring fire in the depths of winter, and walking and wondering in the good old British countryside.

    Yoga •
  • Alice Bertay

    Homeopathy •

    Alice's sessions: • Individual homeopathic sessions for acute disease and chronic disease Homeopaths are sometimes considered healers or doctors, but really they are people who deal with the tears and holes we create in the net of life the damage that we all caused in our search of survival. All of us deserve to be treated with homeopathy in order to reach our full potential. What does a session with Alice involve? Alice helps you build a tranquil balance working on the immune system with classical homeopathy and elevated sacred Mexican Curandera, inherited from ancestral medicine and tradition. Alice works having in mind the dedication to helping her clients achieving an elusive, lasting and graceful sense of emotional, physical and spiritual alignment. Alice’s practice integrates a range of global modalities for healing, activation, and the liberation of personal potential. From choreographed meditations to voice frequencies, aromatherapy and spiritual guidance. Alice’s consultations are a warm and generous breath of ancestral medicine, eastern spirituality and bespoke elegance. This is for you if you: • Struggle with acute or chronic conditions • Are seeking clarity on a big life decision • Desire to break old patterns and change the way you approach life • Feel that your energy is imbalanced A little bit about Alice: Alice Bertay is a classical homeopath with years of experience supporting her client’s natural healing mechanisms. Alice has also spent extensive time training with Mexico’s Curanderas, the traditional medicine women of Latin America. In her practice, she combines classical homeopathy with sacred Curandera modalities for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illnesses. This allows for a unique blend of Western-based homeopathy and the deep feminine wisdom of Latin America. A singular style and uncompromising vision and her detail for beauty keeps Alice in demand , lending her distinctive eye to various experimental art projects using her poetry, voice and choreographed mediations to align mind, body and soul by activation of energy through the senses. Native to Paris, Alice splits her time between Mexico, and New York. Alice celebrates a humanity that is constantly traversing and exploring itself, risking change, delighting in the unknown, searching for the marvelous. 3 things about Alice: • Alice enjoys singing kirtan • She really enjoys poetry and yoga • Her family never fails to make her smile

    Homeopathy •
  • Alice Jones

    Mindfulness •
    Yoga •

    Alice's sessions: • Yin Yoga • Mindfulness Classes • Private + Mentoring Sessions • Summer 2021 Workshops, Events, Retreats What does a session with Alice involve? An hour of slow moving and soothing Yin Yoga to nourish and nurture our minds, bodies, and soul. During a Yin practise Alice seeks to take you on a journey inwards towards yourself. Learning to embody your experiences with the practise of Yin Yoga and Mindfulness, helping to nourish your nervous system, rejuvenate your cells and reconnect you with your centre. During a Yin class with Alice we seek to create space in the body, releasing both physical, emotional and energetic tension within. Holding deep stretches for around 2-3 minutes; twisting, compressing, elongating and opening - the challenge of sitting in stillness is where we can deepen our self-awareness. How does the mind feel, what emotions arise? You will learn to hold a neutral space for yourself, not judging what comes up, but being a witness instead of attaching. Yin teaches us acceptance of what is. Yin doesn’t force or cling. Yin shows us an ease, a peace, a journey down the route of least resistance. By starting to recognise your conditioned mind, and cultivating practises of mindfulness and meditation, you can begin your own healing journey and reclaim your confidence, power and strength to align your life in the way you desire. The lessons we learn during a Yin class we can apply off the mat and into our daily lives which is why Alice also offers private 1-2-1 Yin sessions and mentoring. Start to build an even deeper awareness of yourself and Alice guides you through a unique Yin journey, with reading and external resources to support. Whether seeking to resolve a particular tension in life or not, you can learn to awaken to the simple pleasures of life all around, enhancing joy in your day to day experience. This is for you if: • You are seeking a deeper connection to yourself • You are struggling with something specific or nonspecific, • You are struggling to let go • You are searching for direction or a making a decision • You feel anxious or overwhelmed • You seek a slower pace in life A little bit about Alice: Alice is a Yin Yoga teacher living in Valencia, Spain. She came to mindfulness 5 years ago when living in London feeling very stressed, anxious and overwhelmed within the city rat race, having lost the connection to herself and her deeper needs. When Alice completed her level 1 Yin Yoga Teacher Training, she did not realise the powerful transformation that was about to come. Soon after qualifying and feeling the deeply positive effects of a dedicated Yin Yoga practise, Alice started to change her life, realigning to her deepest needs desires. Yin Yoga gave her the space to decide how she wanted to be living. Alice now teaches Yin Yoga in person, as well as hosting workshops and events in Valencia as well as in Ibiza. Alice's experiences with anxiety, insomnia and living what felt like an empty life were hugely impacted by her training and studying of Yin Yoga, Chinese Medicine Theory and the Taoism philosophy that Yin stems from. Alice seeks to share what she has learned with others, so more can live in alignment, with ease and joy in our lives. “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional” Dali Lami 3 things about Alice: • Her favourite thing is cycling around Valencia • She loves Diego Perez, the poet yung pueblo • She loves Mexican food (especially tacos!)

    Mindfulness •
    Yoga •
  • Alistair Smith

    Sound Healing •

    Alistair's Sessions: • Sound Healing Treatments • Sound Healing Workshops • Sound bath What does a session with Alistair involve? Sound vibrates the body, moves the emotions, inspires the mind and touches the spirit. It is deeply relaxing, meditative and transformative. Everybody's experience is unique and can help with issues ranging from simple relaxation to spiritual guidance to supporting the healing process of many conditions. Gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, harp and voice are used to create a unique healing experience, tailor-made to each individual. A brief discussion beforehand and an energetic scan guide and inform each session. Sound will be used to clear and harmonise areas of dissonance, imbalance and restriction. Treatments end with grounding and a talk about your experience. This is for you if: • Sound healing is for everybody! • You find it difficult to rest or relax • You are suffering from stress, grief or uncertainty • You are in need of spiritual guidance • You need support in your healing process • You want to be more creative A little bit about Alistair: Alistair is an experienced sound healer, composer and musician. His life purpose is to share the inspirational and healing power of sound and music. He trained with the College of Sound Healing and at Goldsmiths College, and has worked in the community, care sector and for cancer support charities. 3 things about Alistair: • He likes lying down in a quiet sun-speckled woodland • Alistair loves sharing a meal with his partner of food they've grown • He also likes looking through his brother's telescope at Neptune and star clusters

    Sound Healing •
  • Amisha Ghadiali

    Meditation •

    Amisha's Sessions: • Intuitive Therapy • Meditation What does a session with Amisha involve? Intuitive Therapy is a unique form of energy healing that works on physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual levels. During one of Amisha's personal sessions, a complete clearing of your energetic fields and balance the energy flow in your body is done together. Amisha aids you to go into the root cause of traumas, blockages & issues in your subconscious that are affecting you in the present and are ready to be released. The session begins with a short meditation, and then you talk through either the specific issue you have come with, or more generally what is going on for you. Amisha may suggest rituals or practices that you can do to support the process. You will then be invited to lie down, as the energy work begins. Together, you will clear fears and plant new seeds as you lie relaxed. One beautiful benefit of doing this session online is that after you have finished and your field and chakras are recharged, you are able to simply rest in your own space and let the integration happen. This is for you if: • You have anxiety, stress, or depression. • You have insomnia. • You are undergoing a heartbreak. • You are experiencing grief. • You are eco-anxiety. • You are experiencing decolonisation. • You are high sensitivity. • You lack of self confidence/self worth. • You simply want to experience more wonder, connect deeper with your intuition and embody more of your potential. • Any kind of issue you’re experiencing really! A little bit about Amisha: Amisha Ghadiali is an Intuitive Therapist and host of the podcast "The Future is Beautiful." She is the author of INTUITION: Access your inner wisdom. Trust your instincts. Find your path. Amisha is an experienced facilitator and has a gift of bringing people into connection with themselves, each other and the earth. Her own training includes yoga teacher training, meditation teacher training, energy medicine, priestess initiation and deep time learning with mystics, teachers, swamis and nature. She has hosted many retreats, workshops and rituals around the world, and designed programmes including The Heart of Transformation, Wild Grace, and a five month residential fellowship in community facilitation leadership. She creates brave, tender and inclusive spaces for our hearts unfolding, healing and embrace of our wildness. Amisha sees life as a sacred experience and has found ritual, energy work and meditation to be transforming practices for herself and her clients. 3 things about Amisha: • She loves to spend time in India and Bali on pilgrimage to temples. • Amisha worked in politics and sustainable fashion before burning out and choosing to put her spiritual connection at the heart of her life. • She feels most connected when chanting mantras and dancing.

    Meditation •
  • Angele Tilly

    Meditation •

    Angele's sessions: • One to One Meditation • 1 to 1 Deep Relaxation using Meditation What does a session with Angele involve? Angele starts all her sessions with a check-in meditation to give you the space you need to recentre yourself. She will combine active listening with her knowledge of meditation to offer the best experience and advice to achieve what you are looking for. This is for you if: • You are new to meditation and looking to improve your wellbeing. • You have been meditating with apps and feeling like you want to learn more and understand why and how meditation works. A little bit about Angele: Angele is a meditation teacher. She meditated for many years before deciding to deepen her knowledge and understanding of meditation. She found refuge in meditation and wanted to share the benefits of meditation with people going through similar struggles in life. Her mission is to help you reach the peace of mind you are looking for. 3 things about Angele: • Angele loves reading a book from Thich Nhat Hanh. • She loves taking care of her house plants. • She enjoys watching dogs having the time of their life in a park.

    Meditation •
  • Anna Andrzejewski

    Naturopathy •
    Nutritional Therapy •

    Anna's Sessions: • Reset and Revive What does a session with Anna involve? Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. Using natural foods and detoxification techniques to re-establish the natural healing mechanisms in the body. The programme leads clients through a process of marrying mind and body to create homeostasis and prevent disharmony in the body. The journey involves deep-diving into your current and past health, looking at your food habits, breaking down your self limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and breaking down your lifestyle habits to form healthier routines. You will get to know your body in a completely new way, how it functions, and recognise how it sends you signals to highlight when there are imbalances. You will have 24/7 access to Anna throughout the programme, outside of the fortnightly one to one session contact is kept via Marco polo or email to support the journey. This is for you if: • You are suffering from hormonal imbalances, fatigue/low energy, lack of focus/motivation/drive, experiencing memory fog, acne or skin-related issues, menstrual cycle problems, anxiety, insomnia, inability to lose or gain weight, gut issues (IBS, gas, bloating, constipation, etc), frequent recurring illnesses. • You want to reconnect with your body and mind, move away from negative feelings of yourself, body shaming and find yourself resentful. • You have a bad relationship with food - sugar addiction, binge eating, under or overeating, lack of awareness, or love for food. A little bit about Anna: Anna has three years of experience as a health coach and naturopath specialising in mind-body connection. Her journey began when her health suffered due to an unhealthy lifestyle that found her suffering from chronic UTIs, cystic acne, amenorrhea, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and disordered eating. After many failed attempts using conventional medicine she decided to try holistic practices and began to eliminate her symptoms by addressing the root cause through Naturopathic healing, the experience was so profound it led her to a new chapter in supporting others to alleviate their suffering and reconnect themselves with their body. The reset and revive programme leads clients through a journey of re-marrying their mind and body together to create homeostasis, the internal condition of optimal functioning, which is where the body thrives at every level. Anna offers a bespoke 1:1 12 week coaching journey as well as regular workshops. All sessions are conducted online from the comfort of your own home. 3 things about Anna: • She loves to see clients up level and become better versions of themselves through the work they do together • Anna loves to travel and meet new people • Anna loves to spend time with her dog and has a passion for all animals

    Naturopathy •
    Nutritional Therapy •
  • Annabel James

    Breathwork •

    Annabel’s offerings: • 1:1 breathwork session • Group breathwork session (on request, please write to Annabel below) What does a session with Annabel involve? • Set an intention • Move your body • Enjoy connection • Healing touch and sharing • Dive into a lying-down, circular connected breath journey. This easy-to-learn breathing technique helps you access the full potential of your breathing system for better physical, emotional and mental well-being. This is for you if you’re experiencing: • Physical tension • Grief • Rejection • Heart break • Physical pain • Emotional pain • Blocked creativity A little bit about Annabel: Annabel is passionate about supporting transformation for others, after her own transformational journey. Breathwork changed her life, healing deep grief after losing her brother. Whether you have something you need to address or are looking for motivation, or deep healing, this session is for you. 3 things about Annabel: • She loves to travel and has visited over 50 countries • She always deeply connects with people, even if there is a language barrier • Her passions are people, travel and nature

    Breathwork •
  • Annabella Zeiddar

    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) •

    Annabella’s sessions: In her sessions, Annabella uses Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), which is an innovative and cutting edge therapy that incorporates the best aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT and psychotherapy. Together they produce a rapid and permanent transformative effect on clients through the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. Annabella empowers her clients to establish the root cause of their issues and assists them in transforming limiting beliefs into new empowering ones so that they are able to move forward in life. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is an innovative cutting edge therapy, which takes the best tools of hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) , Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), psychotherapy and Gestalt therapy to achieve the most phenomenal results rapidly and permanently. It embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning. Hypnosis allows us to access the subconscious mind, the part of your mind which drives our thoughts and actions. This is crucial because it allows us to establish the root cause of your issue by exploring feelings stored in your subconscious. We are all running on outdated programs. What does a session with Annabella involve? In the session, Annabella works with you to update these programs so that you can regain control of your life, your thoughts and feelings and achieve anything you want to. Annabella empowers you to heal from the past and to work on the most important relationship – that is, the one you have with yourself. Your session will start with Annabella getting you nice and relaxed before putting you in a state of hypnosis, getting you relaxed and demonstrate how naturally suggestible you are. She will then take you back to certain moments in your life that are the root cause of your issue. Dialoguing together with Annabella, you will gain an understanding of how those experiences affected you at a deep subconscious level before. From this she will be able to articulate why these moments have manifested into your issues today. After this Annabella will Annabella begins beginning the transformation with you, bridging transforming those limiting beliefs into new empowering ones that serve you. and encouraging you to overcome them. After your call session, Annabella will create a bespoke transformational hypnosis MP3 recording for you which you listen to daily for 21 days everyday. By listening to this recording you create new neural pathways so that these new empowering beliefs become permanent ones. This is for you if: • You are feeling stuck • You are prone to self-sabotaging behaviours • You have a feeling of not being worthy or loveable • You are experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety • You struggle with compulsive behaviours • You lack confidence • You are prone to perfectionism, procrastination, lack of motivation • You have an emotional relationship with food A little bit about Annabella: Annabella is a clinical hypnotherapist and recovery from emotional eating coach. She empowers you to heal from the past and to work on the most important relationship – that is, the one you have with yourself. Annabella was put on a diet at age 10 and has struggled for most of her life with emotional eating, constantly yo-yo dieting and plagued with feelings of low self-worth. After reading a book on the therapy she practices, she had a life changing moment and discovered how to overcome emotional eating at 49. Her mission is to help everyone overcome emotional eating so that they can enjoy guilt free freedom around food, reconnect with their body and to stop seeing food as the enemy and instead embracing it as fuel. She wants everyone to accept themselves as they are and feel safe to release the excess weight. Annabella is also a transformational coach and believes that working on both the conscious mind through coaching and the subconscious mind is where the magic happens, resolving both past emotional wounds and empowering everyone to reach their goals. 3 things about Annabella: • She lived in Marrakech, Morocco for 17 years • She has a Chihuahua called Magnus • She loves spending time in nature with her family

    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) •
  • Annelie Whitfield

    Naturopathy •

    Annelie's Sessions: • Metabolic Mastery • Hormonal Mastery • 1:1 women's health consultation What does a session with Annelie involve? The one-on-one sessions with Annelie are virtual 60-minute consultations. Annelie applies a functional medicine approach - with the use of comprehensive case history taking, along with both NHS and cutting edge testing, Annelie helps you to get to the root of any chronic hormonal imbalances and/or weight loss issues. This is for you if: • You suffer from any chronic hormonal imbalances such as PMS, fibroids, thyroid disease and weight loss issues. • You are peri-menopausal and you’re struggling with the associated symptoms. A little about Annelie: Annelie is an ex-stunt girl turned Naturopath, Herbalist and Functional Medicine Practitioner. She has spent the last two decades running clinics, writing books, hosting workshops and travelling the world to further her knowledge in cutting edge nutrition, herbalism and functional medicine. She is a passionate chocolate alchemist, along with being a wild food and water hunter. Annelie lives between Sussex and Costa Rica with her husband and two girls. 3 things about Annelie: • Annelie loves travelling. • She like infrared saunas. • Hedgerow Medicine makes her smile!

    Naturopathy •
  • Aysha Bell

    Sound Healing •
    Yoga •

    Aysha’s Sessions: • Sound Healing • Workshops which include yin, kundalini, vinyasa and sound • Self massage women’s workshop What does a session with Aysha involve? • Explanation of techniques • Centering and breathwork/meditation • Chanting. Seated warm up. • Vinyasa flow • Cooling down • Kundalini Kriyas • Gong and guided meditation to close This is for you if: • You have any kind of stress related issue • You want to experience a deeper healing in the body • You want to experience deep relaxation A little bit about Aysha: As the daughter of a medium and the granddaughter of a medicine woman, Aysha had always felt this yearning to connect to spirit but had let the need for outer fulfillment consume her. Growing up, Aysha had addictive tendencies and a very unhealthy lifestyle. Health concerns meant Aysha had to sell her business and move to a part of London away from her family. Aysha felt completely lost, she remembers walking around in this weird haze completely disconnected. Craving a reconnection with herself and a sense of meaning in her life, Aysha went from yoga studio to yoga studio to find a teacher that could help her connect back to herself. She finally came across an amazing lady at the Refinery in East London, who opened up a whole world for Aysha and inspired her to do a teacher training. From there, Aysha has expanded her practise by learning and training in gong, which she believes helps people connect to the deepest part of themselves. Aysha has also started a new ‘lock down project’ where she makes meditation gift boxes. 3 things about Aysha: • She loves to have “fashion rave nights” with her daughter at her studio • She always misses flights • She sings to her food when she’s cooking and never cooks in a bad mood

    Sound Healing •
    Yoga •
  • Bea Sophia

    Trauma To Tantra Life Coaching •

    Bea's Sessions: • From Trauma to Tantra: Life Coaching • The Reset | Reboot-Experience experience - created moves in the spectrum of body work, guided meditation, communication, sound ceremony and energetic wellness. Together we will find the right exercises and techniques - intuitive and individual for people. It is Bea's special gift helping people to create a more beautiful life for themselves. What does session with Bea involve? Relax, unwind, and learn to love yourself and your life. A session with Bea involves making the conscious choice to enter a space of healing, transformation and openness. She will guide you to allow divine grace to manifest itself in your life and help you to understand your life experiences in a profound way. Bea will guide you to grow in self-love and development and learn deeper truths about yourself by understanding your emotions and healing paths. You will leave the session feeling empowered and grounded. This is for you if: • You struggle with codependency or toxic relationships • You are dealing with overcoming childhood trauma • You are very sensitive and empathetic • You are hoping to feel more alive and find your voice A little about Bea: Bea is passionate about helping others and expanding love in the world. Although she was born in Berlin, Bea has lived in Asia, America, and Australia. Her journey has allowed her to learn about herself and her practice from so many different perspectives. She began her career in international business development but then became involved in many different wholistic practices. She has worked in massage, shamanism, life coaching, reiki to name a few. This journey has allowed her to refine her practice and do work that she is passionate about. In her current practice, Bea is a holistic coach and healing facilitator. Her inspiration for her unique practice comes from her scientific and psychological background combined with her holistic experiences. She is passionate about emotional intelligence, the navigation of self, and the art of loving. Her mission is to give others the tools to help them thrive, which she successfully does in each of her sessions. 3 things about Bea: • She has travelled to forty-seven countries and has lived in six • Bea loves animals, especially shy puppies • She enjoys playing the mouse harp

    Trauma To Tantra Life Coaching •
  • Beanie Robinson

    Nutritional Therapy •

    Beanie's Online Sessions: • 12 Weeks Transformational Weight Loss Program • 12 Weeks Hormonal Rebalance Program • Get Wedding Ready, 12 Week Program for Brides and the Bridal Party What does a session with Beanie involve? Beanie focuses on hormonal rebalancing (including PCOS, PMS and Menopause), weight loss and pre wedding nutrition. Beanie’s practice is held in science, but her method will vary depending on the unique individual needs of her clients. Her unique approach to nutrition plans are realistic, tailored to your individual needs, and all recommendations are approved by the client so the plan feels doable and achievable. Beanie offers a truly personalized program, focusing on the holistic, finding balance within the mind, body and spirit. She will meet with you regularly to ensure you have all of your needs met and are fully supported on your health journey; be that in weight loss or getting your perfect wedding glow. Beanies sessions focus on food, menu planning, exercise regimes, supplement support and lifestyle advice. This is for you if: • You are feeling stressed • Are a women between the ages of 25 and 55 • Want to regain power over your health • You are experiencing hormonal imbalances • Are getting ready for your wedding A little bit about Beanie: Beanie is a truly compassionate nutritionist that will consider your unique needs to make sure you get the appropriate support. Her hands-on approach will ensure you learn about how to nourish your body, reaching your health goals and shifting your food paradigm for good. She supports transformation that lasts, weight will be lost in a sustainable and healthy way that leaves you feeling empowered and in control of your health. 3 things about Beanie: • She loves all things nature including walks and the mountains • She is an avid dancer, and loves yoga and meditation • Her friends and family bring her such joy and allow her to live in her laughter

    Nutritional Therapy •
  • Bettina Falkenberg

    Emotional Freedom Technique •
    Hypnotherapy •

    Bettina's Sessions: • Bettina works predominantly through EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka Tapping) because of the power, versatility and gentleness of this method. Depending on your needs, she will integrate elements of Hypnotherapy, Matrix Re-imprinting, NLP, and Energy Healing. What does session with Bettina involve? Bettina will meet you exactly where you are and help you figure out how you would like your life to be instead. She will hold you in a safe and completely non-judgemental space. You will learn how to tune into your body and unconscious and how to gently release trauma, fear, limiting beliefs, and deep pain that you hold there. At the end of a session, you will feel calmer and peaceful, inspired and energised. You will have learned how tap yourself for moments of distress and as a self-care and self-soothing tool. You will have learned easy coping strategies that will enable you to take agency over your life instead of feeling helpless and out of control. A matter of weeks after beginning to use these strategies and practising self-care you will notice a change in your behaviours and reactions, and you will be able to truly love and accept yourself when you look in the mirror. This is for you if: • You are facing cancer or another serious disease • You feel hopeless and sad because of bereavement, loss or grief • You have experienced abuse or other traumatic events • You want to learn how to manage physical symptoms like chronic pain or menopause symptoms in a holistic and gentle way • You have anxiety that is limiting your ability to enjoy life • You have tried talking therapy without achieving real change • You feel overwhelmed and want to regain a sense of control over your life A little bit about Bettina: Bettina began her career as a lawyer in Germany. Outwardly successful, she soon felt unfulfilled and trapped in painful relationships. The turning point came when she first visited the Findhorn Foundation in 2004. There she learnt to breathe, hug trees, draw energy from the land, and was introduced to Five Rhythms and Biodanza. She became aware of the flow of her own Chi (energy) and began working with the Human Awareness Institute helping people develop more authentic, intimate, and loving relationships with each other and themselves. Bettina came across EFT in yet another attempt to find relief from her lifelong depression and discovered her calling and life purpose in this work. It is Bettina’s mission to guide women to a place of true self-love and acceptance, no matter what. Apart from working with clients individually Bettina, teaches EFT for emotional first aid’ and as a daily self-care tool. She is an EFT Accredited Trainer and runs trainings for those who want to learn clinical EFT and/or become EFT Practitioners themselves. 3 things about Bettina: • She feels most alive when swimming in the sea • Bettina loves hugging trees to ground herself • She is happiest when spending time with her boys

    Emotional Freedom Technique •
    Hypnotherapy •
  • Boris Yurganov

    Somatic Psychology •

    Boris' Sessions: • Core Energetic Sessions - Core Energetics is a form of somatic psychology that brings together body, mind and spirit. At its core is the premise that all beings are born to give and receive love, and evolve to limitless capacity. What does a session with Boris involve? “Energize Your Core” uses Core Energetics as the primary modality. Core Energetics sessions uses the Body, Breath, and Movement to unblock and Energize your consciousness. It leads to a deeper awareness and release of deep unconscious patterns and traumas. Clients can expect to experience being more conscious, present, grounded, and empowered to live a more fulfilling life. Boris works with all experience levels. He utilizes 1:1, Couples, Group sessions and workshops online with zoom. In person sessions available in Orange County, California. This is for you if: • You desire to experience a new shift in your life • You don’t want to experience suffering from unconscious patterns • You want to feel empowered • You want to take your life and power back A little bit about Boris: Boris has years of experience in Somatic Therapy and specializing in Core Energetics. He is passionate about living an authentic life by following his heart. His journey to self discovery and support of others has included being a martial artist, a dancer, and a performing artist to name a few. During his personal journey, he has been exploring the connection between body and movement and how it relates to consciousness and trauma healing. This has led him to practicing a form of body psychotherapy called “Core Energetics.” His practice is based in Southern California, offering online sessions to clients all over the world. 3 things about Boris: • Boris loves nature. • He is a great dancer. • Boris loves loves watching and relating to great stories in well made films.

    Somatic Psychology •
  • Carmel Sastre

    Energy Healing •

    Carmel's Sessions: • Energy healing ChakraAura® • Chakra Balancing & Other healing therapies such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tesla Healing. • Guided Healing & Spiritual Meditations • Holistic Coaching & Business consultations What does a session with Carmel involve? A ChakraAura® Healing session with Carmel works for physical, emotional and mental issues, and involves a change in your energy levels to sort out different problems. He uses the powerful healing technique that he created and registered as ChakraAura®. He starts the session with an holistic coaching session, does the healing and after the session he provides your recommendations and tools you can use for the rest of your life. He also offers you if you prefer other Energy Healing modalities such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, Tesla Healing and others, but he highly recommends the very effective ChakraAura®. healing technique he created after 25 years’ experience and having amazing results. He provides the sessions in English as well as in Spanish, French and Italian This is for you if: • You want to be more focused and grounded. • You suffer from pain in your body especially in the neck, lower back, back pain, knees and shoulders. Fibromyalgia. • You're experiencing anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, emotional pain. • You lack self-confidence and self-esteem. • You need guidance. • You want to lose weight. • You have problems speaking as stuttering. • You lack vitality and energy. • You want a Chakra cleansing and balancing • And much more… A little about Carmel: Carmel Sastre is a Psychic Energy & Spiritual Healer with innate abilities and with more than 25 years’ experience. He is the creator of the powerful “ ChakraAura®“ Energy Healing technique. He has provided thousands of distance (remote) and face to face healing sessions worldwide with excellent results. He works with the aura and chakras to balance your being as well as with different sources of energy. He helps you mentally, emotionally and physically. As a Psychic Energy and Spiritual Healer, Carmel provides healing by combining the power of clairvoyant and intuitive skills. He identifies the blockages within your Chakras and Aura and cleanses them, allowing the correct flow of energy. 3 things about Carmel: • Carmel loves reading books about healing and spirituality. • He starts his day with a meditation and loves to guide and teach Healing Meditations. • Aside from English, Carmel also speaks Spanish, French and Italian.

    Energy Healing •
  • Cat Faith

    Shamanic Healing •

    Cat's Sessions: • 1:1 Sessions - During this time, you can find support from Cat during your moments of transition, soul retrieval, and past life clearing/ancestor work. • 8-Week Online Masterclass - “Dying to Fully Live” is designed to help you face emotional and physical problems by dying to your old self to move toward rebirth in discovering your sacred dream. What does a session with Cat involve? Cat identifies and removes HUCHA - denser energy found in limiting beliefs and toxic emotions - through special techniques in her healing sessions. After clearing the blockages, she helps to reconnect the energy body to source, opening up the path to limitless possibilities. A clear map for change is created and tools on how to integrate it are provided. The intention for a session is to find blockages and the root cause of imbalance. Starting with conversation in sacred space, Cat listens with all her senses and scans the energetic body, tracking your energy. She investigates different areas: childhood trauma, predispositions that may be passed down in your family (epigenetics), limited belief systems, toxic emotions, intrusive energies or imprints form past lives. From there, she creates a strategy and chooses the tools best suited to help you grow. This is for you if: • You want to experience deep change and transition • You are going through grief or loss • Some of your relationships feel toxic and need healing • You drag the past into the present • You numb your emotions • You are dealing with a health condition • Your mind drifts to moments where you did not have the courage to go for what you truly wanted • You self-sabotage by not living your true purpose or sharing your gifts • You feel stuck and don’t have a clear vision for your life • You experience anxiety and panic attacks A little bit about Cat: Cat Faith is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner and Coach, Detox Specialist and founder of the international platform Dying to Fully Live. She graduated from Media Pro Journalism Bucharest and Greenwich University in London, where she received her MA degree in Business and Events Management. She has been practicing energetic medicine since 2009, training in London, the Spirit of the Inca School in Romania, and in Peru learning directly from the Q’ero Wisdom Keepers. Cat is also a carrier of the Sacred Chanupa Pipe received in the Moon Dance initiation from the Grandmothers in the Mexica lineage. At the core of her teachings lies INCA shamanism, derived from the medicine men and women of the Q’ero tradition. In her practice, Cat combines Spoken Ancient Shamanic Teachings with cutting edge practices in trauma release, regression therapy, epigenetics and nutrition. She assists people in navigating transitional moments and situations of crisis, breaking repetitive patterns, clearing past life imprints, deconstructing limiting beliefs, healing trauma and facilitating the process that shamans call soul retrieval. Due to her own personal experience with loss and her work with cancer patients at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Palm Beach, Florida, Cat understands the immense healing power behind the energy of Death. She saw miraculous shifts in people who were faced with this threat and noticed how they healed their relationships, harmonized their environments, shifted their regrets and ultimately healed themselves. Her work naturally started gravitating to reconnecting people to the concept of death and using this contemplation as a tool for healing, shining light on the old parts of oneself that they need to shed in their life journey. In 2019, during the Pandemic she started the Dying to Fully Live international platform, where she shares her 8-week online program, designed for people who are going through difficult life transitions. Cat´s work has influenced the lives of hundreds of people worldwide. Her mission is to help others successfully navigate change, and to experience freedom, and peace in any stage of life. 3 things about Cat: • Cat loves cats & dogs • She likes books and long hikes • She loves doing wild dancing and human connection

    Shamanic Healing •
  • Catalina Rojas Benedetti

    Breathwork •

    Catalina's Sessions: • Breathwork What does a session with Catalina involve? Catalina has a deep understanding of breath and how it embodies our relationships with the world around us and ourselves. Her breathwork sessions explore the bridge between inside and outside, between the world and us. Through breathing, we can manage our emotions, our moods, the way we react, the ways in which we connect... and thus, build the reality in which we want to live. Her technique changes the automatism with which we live, generating a new and spontaneous space containing the opportunity to release fixed ideas. This provides the ability to connect with the internal symbols of our unconscious that help us to transform old patterns. In this breath, the holding patterns and barriers that we have created as a defense dissolve. This is for you if: • You feel that there are deeper levels that you don't know how to get there. • You feel that your body needs to release blocks or tensions that do not let you be full. • You want to understand your emotions, and learn to manage and communicate with them. • You are ready to release old limiting beliefs and programs from your consciousness. • You are open and ready to find yourself whole and fulfilled. A little bit about Catalina: Catalina's work for years has been about breathwork techniques, indigenous ceremonies, and the search for being through intuition. She believes in reconnecting with your inner voice, and that the only possible guide is yourself and your own body. Catalina believes in the will and the capacity for change, in the transformation and creation of reality itself. She also studied Art Therapy, Gestalt, NLP, Kundalini Yoga, among other modalities, which she continues to do today. Catalina's work is based on continuous personal growth and is made complete by transmitting it and sharing with others. 3 things about Catalina: • Catalina loves meditation • Nature makes her smile • I Ching book

    Breathwork •
  • Chandree

    Emotional Freedom Technique •
    Reiki •

    Chandree's Sessions: • Reiki - the universal life force stimulates the capacity of the body to heal itself by unblocking stuck energy toxins and recharging our batteries, It works on the physical , emotional, mental and spiritual level, and helps to become one with ourselves again, a totality. • EFT - EFT helps a range of ailments , imbalances and negative emotional states including depression, eating disorders, insomnia chronic pain addictions , phobias , body tension , panic attacks , fear, stress etc. Tapping on acupuncture points has a calming effect on the nervous system allowing us to change our perception and restore a positive belief system.. What does a session with Chandree involve? Reiki usually has a profoundly calming and relaxing effect. It has its own divine intelligence, so you can experience a full spectrum from astral travelling to having strong emotions or even having a healing acceleration. EFT is a deep process of transformation. People can feel liberated, invigorated, or lighter. Some also may feel the need to rest and recoup after a session. Many people report relief from long-term negative belief systems, thought patterns, and trauma. EFT can be practiced at home with a tapping manual that Chandree offers. This is for you if: • Anyone and everyone seeking transformation, renewal of energy, or mental relaxation. A little about Chandree: Chandree was born in Sicily, Italy and spent her life learning the healing arts while travelling the world. She started her journey by becoming a reiki master in 1993 before studying holistic massage, hypnosis, and Chinese medicine (to name a few). In 2010 Chandree found the power of EFT Tapping, also studying Matrix reprinting and energy psychology. These led her on a new healing trajectory. Chandree now offers Reiki, EFT Tapping, and Matrix reprinting: the 3 most powerful of all the therapies she found in her exploration. 3 things about Chandree: • Chandree loves being in nature • She enjoys being in silence • She enjoys reading a good book

    Emotional Freedom Technique •
    Reiki •
  • Charlotte Boyd

    Sound Healing •

    Charlotte's Sessions: • Sound Healing Session • Body Connection • Group Sound Bath What does a session with Charlotte involve? Through breathwork and light movement, Charlotte will guide into your body and deliver the appropriate sound treatment to help settle your nervous system, create calm and rest, and enable you to receive the vibration and resonance required. Charlotte uses her voice, tuning forks, singing bowls, gong and other instruments to create softening sound sessions in groups or one-on-one. This is for you if: • You want to lower anxiety & stress levels. • You want to boost your mood. • You want to improve your memory. • You want to improve sleep. • You want more flow in your life, regain clarity, confidence & direction. • You want support & maintain mental wellbeing. A little bit about Charlotte: Charlotte Boyd aka Firm Feet® is a Sound Healing Practitioner & Embodiment Facilitator. Charlotte practices using movement and sound to help create a deeper body connection for her participants, whether it is through her Movement Meditation 'Dance in the dark®' or in Sound Healing sessions. Charlotte's own adventure with her body has helped her gain a deeper understanding of sustainable healing. Charlotte's work is heart centred, community focused, expansive and accessible. Charlotte is a vocalist, producer, and DJ with a longtime love affair with music. 3 things about Charlotte: • Charlotte is fond of cats. • She is enjoying the experience of creating her first solo album. • Charlotte's loves studying and evolving her practice.

    Sound Healing •


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